Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 4:30
Sat-Sun Closed
(201) 573-1800
53 Park Avenue
Park Ridge, NJ 07656
For any water or sewer related problems or comments please contact:
General Supervisor of Water and Sewer
Chris O'Leary
Phone: (201) 391-4190
Exposure to lead at any level can be associated with adverse health effects.
Flushing tap water is a simple and inexpensive measure you can take to protect your family's health from lead.
Tom Mazzarella
Joseph Barnes
Jessica Mazzarella
Rosanna Monteleone
Jacqueline Carrion
Ken Reynolds - Water Supervisor
Dan Boyle - Senior Water Repairer
Mark Gronbeck - Water Repairer/Sewer Repairer 1
Kevin Origoni - Water Repairer
Ethan Schechtman – Water Repairer
Daniel DiBlasi – Water Repairer
Anthony Confreda - Meter Reader