Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 4:30
Sat-Sun Closed
(201) 573-1800
53 Park Avenue
Park Ridge, NJ 07656
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The Park Ridge Recreation & Cultural Committee (PRRC) is a volunteer organization established by the borough with members appointed annually by the Mayor & Council for one-year terms. The PRRC establishes recreational and cultural programs for the enjoyment of the residents of Park Ridge. Two major events run by the PRRC are a Summer Day Camp and the Town Picnic. Other programs include the Ski & Tubing Trips, Egg Hunt, Family Bowling, Car Show, Ragamuffin Parade, Tennis lessons, TGA Premier Junior Golf and Tennis lessons, pre-school multi-sports program, Tree Lighting, Summer Concert Series, Fireworks and more. (All classes are taught by certified coaches.) Collectively, the programs are designed to be of the greatest interest to the residents of Park Ridge. Each of these events hopefully leaves a lasting memory for the families and children of our great town!
Are you looking to use a Borough Facilities such as the Memorial Park Pavilion or an athletic field? Download the "Use of Facilities Form" for instructions and requirements.
Paul Wharton
Vice Chairman
Michael Raia
Paul Scarduffa
Kelly Epstein
Jason Roth
Michael Raia
Rob Nicolich
Paul Wharton
Laurie Wharton
Paul Scarduffa
Tom Hoskins
Greg Perez
Lyn Beer
Bob La Rubbio
Bob Fornatale
Doug Salvi
Tom Mitchell
Ira Rosen
Maureen Howell
Steve Masson
Carolee Chirico
Rosemary Happ
Lori Bettini
Kelly Epstein
Thomas Greco
Austin Baxter
Dean Scaduto
Nick Bussanich
Jason Destro